A lot has already been said about these two .... i am not going to give a huge review.. just want to put my view to this... i think windows is a great OS.. but lacks security.. its the targeted OS at present.. ALL MY FRIENDS have atleast one virus in their windows pc.. It is indeed difficult to maintain a windows pc..
Linux has been around since quite a while.. Ubuntu is the one of the best distros.. i think it does really well in terms of performance and security.. it is definetly tougher to setup compared to windows.. but once u have done so.. its an awesome experience.. it is definetly way secure compared to windows and has improved graphics as well..
Windows tried to bring in some security by including its own spyware and a better firewall and not to forget UAC.. but still hasnt been able to completely secure a pc.. and not to mention the cost of the OS.. which is twice as much as the cost of a PC..
Linux has a bright future ahead.. being free, open source and more secure.. but lacks in simplicity.. many functions still require the terminal.. if the usage of terminal is minimized ,( which will definetly occur in the future) then linux will definetly dominate the OS market share..


Borkiman said... @ February 27, 2008 at 2:32 AM


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