This is a small tutorial which will help you to open any port in the windows built in firewall.Well almost every windows user uses the Windows firewall and port forwarding and opening of ports is a common thing. Its used for many purposes from webservers to torrents to gaming etc , port forwarding is a must for using all these services.
In windows Port Forwarding Is quite Simple.It requires you to follow the following simple steps:
Step 1:Go to Start->Control Panel and Click on Windows Firewall(this is in classic mode, you can switch to classic mode, option available in the left bar of the control panel)
Step 2:Once you click on Windows Firewall you will find a window like this

Step 3:Now click on the "EXCEPTIONS" tab
Step 4:Another window with a bunch of new options would show.Now click on the "ADD PORT " button next to "ADD PROGRAM"

Step 5:The "Add a Port" window will now pop up.In the name field, You can enter anything you want, its just a name
Note:Its always adviced to use the service name as the NAME.. like incase you want to open port 21 then enter name as "ftp" this will make it easier for you to understand all the ports that are opened, which will make it less confusing later.

Step 6:Under the "port number" option enter the port which you want to open .. if its ftp its 21,for webservers its 80 etc etc.You can find a list of them on the WEB..Remember you cannot enter only one port at a time.Incase you want to open another port you need to follow Step 4 to Step 6 again
Step 7:Once you are done. Click on "OK" and close all other tabs
Step 8:You have successfully opened a port in windows firewall.In most cases you might need to open the port in your router.I will cover this part later..

NOTE:To make sure you have successfully opened a port on the internet CLICK HERE.


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