CUIL pronounced as cool is a pretty new search engine developed by former workers from google.It has already indexed over 120 billion webpages.CUIL promises to provide better search results compared to google and is ready to take on google search.CUIL aims more at the indexing part and tries to embed various search techniques to provide the best results.It claims to have indexed more webpages than google which is quite remarkable.

Cuil claims that its technology moves away from the methods that have driven Google's success.Instead of just looking at the number and quality of links to and from a webpage as Google's technology does, Cuil attempts to understand more about the information on a page and the terms people use to search. Results are displayed in a magazine format rather than a list.
The Results page seems to be pretty good.CUIL aims at providing more text information for each result and also tries to include a picture at the side relating to the information.Their search is available at

Whether it would be a good google competitor or not, only time will tell!!!


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