Now, how funny could this get.HD Moore the create of the metasploit hacking toolkit had faced the DNS attack.As i mentioned earlier, regarding the effects of the DNS attack, it seems to have spread rapidly, this being one of the incidents.
Moore's Company BreakingPoint had been a victim of the DNS attack very recently, all the computers on their network were redirecting to a fake google page, which means when employees type in their browser address bar, they were not taken to the original google page, but a fake page filled with malicious code to steal information and cause harm.Moore's employees managed to make out it was a fake page as it looked a bit different from the original google page, but being hacked by such an attack is pretty dangerous.
Moore's company were using the AT&T DNS servers which were hacked hence affecting everybody who were using those DNS servers.Hence such attacks could occur to many ISP's DNS servers.This is just to caution you on moving to a safer DNS server.
As of now, Opendns servers are recommended.Their ips are and recommended that you change your dns servers to opendns, and as mentioned earlier please do check your DNS servers at
Source: InfoWorld


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