Most of us have often felt that one monitor isnt enough, i mean with all the windows open and the mess it creates....It would be better of to organize windows like keep work stuff in one screen and fun stuff in the other.Well its very much possible to do it with dual monitor support.Dual monitor is basically two monitors acting like one monitor giving you HUGE screen space.
This is being used by many people now a days , its like having two computers(2 monitors) with one computer.This can be done with an old monitor you dont use if you have one by any chance, especially with many people buying LCD monitors now a days , you could use the old CRT monitor as your second monitor.So you could have all your email and work stuff on one screen and your music,movies and other fun stuff in the other.And all you need to do is move the mouse over to the left or to the right of the primary screen to get into the other screen.I use this a lot and i find it very handy and setting it up in windows vista is really simple.First of all for this you need to have a computer with dual monitor support specific graphics cards have this feature.Almost all laptops have dual monitor support as they have the VGA output somewhere on the side of the laptop.By the Way the VGA port looks like this

If you do have this setup, then your good to go, here's how you do it

Step 1 : Plug in the extra monitor into the VGA port , as soon as you do that you should see a screen like this
Step 2 : Now the first option "Duplicate My Desktop" is used when you connect your pc or laptop to a projector so whatever is on your pc or laptop screen would be displayed on the second monitor

Step 3 : That can be ignored as we need to go for the second option which is "Show Different Parts of my desktop on each display". Once you select that, you would be given two choices "Right" or "Left"

Step 4 : Now this depends on the position of your extra monitor.If your extra monitor is to the right of your pc or laptop screen , then choose "Right" if not choose "Left".

Step 5 : Once thats done, you have your dual monitor ready.I took a few screenshots to show the dual monitor.The right screen looks a little smaller as it was on a different resolution

This is how the dual screen looks like.The second screen which is a bit small compared to the first is the second monitor

When you move an application window from one screen to another, you could have part of the window in one screen and part of the window in the other.

In this , the first screen has a webpage opened, and the second screen has a movie clip being played in full screen


cozmicharlie said... @ October 7, 2008 at 8:06 AM

Thanks so much for this how to. A nice follow up article explaining how to do this in Linux would be great.

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