Quite often, we require to start or launch programs or maybe execute a command whenever we startup ubuntu.It could be an application , or a script or anything you wish.Its always better to do it automatically than typing it manually everytime your startup.Its something like the msconfig command in windows. or the task scheduler in windows.In ubuntu , its pretty simple to accomplish.Here's how you launch an application or command at startup in ubuntu :
Step 1 : Go to System->Preferences->Sessions
Step 2 : Then Under Startup Programs click on The ADD button
Step 3 : Another window would now pop up, Enter any name you wish , then enter the command you wish to execute at startup.If its an application , then browse to the application using the browse button.In most cases, in ubuntu most applications can be executed by a command itself , like pidgin can be launched by using the pidgin command, deluge can be launched using the deluge command, firefox can be launched using the firefox command.SO its pretty simple.Under comment you can write a descriptive comment if you wish.
Step 4 : Then click on OK and you should see it on the list.Then close everything.Thats it!!
How do you do this with Firestarter which needs sudo privileges to start?
you could use the following line as command
echo yoursudopassword | sudo -S firestarter
where yoursudopassword is the root password
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