This tutorial should help you configure your BSNL,MTNL,AIRTEL Broadband Connection in Ubuntu . This tutorial is mainly for beginners who have no idea on how to get started with their internet connection in ubuntu . So here's a guide on that :

Since BSNL,MTNL,AIRTEL are DSL ISP's they have two ways of connecting to the internet . One way is the PPPoE mode , in this mode all you need to do is switch ON your router and your internet connection work . The other way is the Bridged mode , here you use a Dialer to connect to the internet.

Now while in windows , if you were in the PPPoE mode i.e. your internet connection worked as soon as you switched on your modem , then there is nothing much you need to do . Your internet connection should work plug n play . If you are still not able to access the internet , it is mainly because of a connectivity issue between your pc and your modem . If this is a wired connection , here's a small command you could type which should hopefully fix this . For this , Go to the Terminal(Applications->Accessories->Terminal ) and type sudo dhclient eth0 . This should give the eth0 interface an ip address from your router . If the internet connection works now , then all is well . If you still face issues and you are not able to access ( your modem's default ip ) , then you should try entering a STATIC IP . CLICK HERE for a tutorial on that . Now you should have internet access . If your able to access and still have no internet access then its mostly something wrong with your internet connection.

Now while in windows , if you were in the Bridged mode i.e. your internet connection worked by using a dialer in windows to connect your pc to the internet , then you would need to configure a dialer . For this follow THIS GUIDE to connect to the internet .

Thats it , you should now hopefully have a successful working internet connection in Ubuntu.


Anonymous said... @ June 24, 2010 at 10:40 PM

hi when i run sudo dhclient eth0 i get

eth0:ERROR while getting interface flage : No such flags

but when i run sudo dhclient pan0 it thorws some numbers and looks as its working..I am trying to get my tata broadband working on ubuntu 9.04

Prash Babu said... @ June 29, 2010 at 8:54 AM

well i guess your interface is named pan0 instead of eth0.. it varies..

Anonymous said... @ June 30, 2010 at 8:54 AM

Thanks Prashanth...What i would like to know if the interface pan0 comes there is no problem with my hardware...for some reason i am unable to connect to the internet

thanks arun

Prash Babu said... @ July 8, 2010 at 8:27 AM

do post an output of ifconfig from the terminal of ubuntu

rraadd said... @ November 15, 2011 at 7:28 AM

thanks prasanth that was a nic advice..
well i hv a mtnl delhi (prepaid) connection on my nokia 5800 and ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop.
I tried the mobile broadband option in network manager. but it did not work.
all i want to know is that is there any possibility that i can access Internet with given resourses?

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