Its been over 5 years since i've used ubuntu and i'm really disappointed at certain issues which ubuntu still has inspite of a new release every 6 months . One of the major problems is with firefox.

Firefox in ubuntu is not at all stable . The browser tends to hang quite a lot and it is horrible in handling CPU and Memory usage . If you are a person who does not have too many open tabs and windows then it probably isnt much of a problem for you . But if you are a person who has a lot of windows and tabs open and if you are a person who never shuts down his computer then you know what im talking about . I usually tend to have around 40 tabs open per window on an average and i have around 3-4 such windows . Which makes it around 100 webpages on an average.. Now I'm sure everybody who uses the computer a lot will have so many windows open .

I organize my windows category wise . Like one window for blog stuff , one for my work and the other personal stuff including mail etc . So what happens is after like 3-4 days or so , firefox crashes and i have to reboot and click on RESTORE SESSION . Although this is a bit irritating to do , i've been managing to do this ever since i used ubuntu . I've never faced such issues with the browsers in microsft windows . I feel that the browsers in ubuntu dont seem to be able to handle the CPU and Memory usage well causing it to hang . Not only firefox but even opera seems to have such problems . They work perfect for a few windows , but once you have multiple windows open the problem starts!!

But the problem doesn't end there . Sometimes you get a window saying " Firefox is unable to RESTORE YOUR SESSION " now this is where the MAJOR PROBLEM starts because now you loose all your open windows and if your a regular internet browser i'm sure you know how frustrating that is . Although this issue happens rarely ( very rarely ) it still is not something that you can live with!!

At this point of time , i've kept firefox on hold for a while and started using Google Chrome . So far so good , lets see how it goes!!


Anonymous said... @ January 16, 2010 at 8:49 AM

You have to remember, browsers arent meant to hold 30+ windows open. Even the ability to have a window open has only been around since FF came about. The memory require for that many windows starts to creep up and up. I have 8gb of ram, 22 windows open and FF is using 612mb ram and 10% on CPU. When you start hitting 50 to 100 taps, those numbers can quickly escalate out of control.

I think FF is pretty darn stable overall. Thunderbird though... that is another story.

Prash Babu said... @ January 16, 2010 at 9:52 AM

Well , surprisingly it worked pretty well with windows from the tests i did!!

Anonymous said... @ January 21, 2010 at 9:04 AM

So what distro have you been using for the last 5 years?

I have switched almost 100% to Chrome. Much faster and I like how it is organized. I have also been playing with Opera but I find it is not as stable on my system, though I do like a lot of the Opera features.

Prash Babu said... @ January 22, 2010 at 8:10 AM

Completely agree with you!! My experience with chrome for linux has been fantastic!!Not even a single crash so far!!Perfect!!This could well be THE BROWSER!!Im just waiting for a little more time before i post a review here on the blog

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