Last week , i had written about a tool called webmin which gives you complete access to your ubuntu linux machine remotely via a web browser . PHPSYSINFO is a much more lighter and simpler tool which gives you important information of a machine like Uptime, CPU, Memory, PCI devices, SCSI devices, IDE devices, Network adapters, Disk usage etc all in ONE PAGE and displays it in your web browser. THis is a very useful tool to get realtime status info on your machine . So here's more on that :

What i like about this simple php script is that its so simple to use and so easy to read . It gives you just the right information you need to know from a system when you want to access it remotely . Surely webmin does provide this info , but you would need to hunt for it at various pages to get this info whereas in phpsysinfo all of this information is displayed on one page . This can be accessible on your web browser and can be accessed over LAN or over the internet . This php script can be placed in directory of your Apache web server so it becomes one of the requirements for this script to work.So here is how you set it up :

NOTE: Apache Web server ( LAMP ) needs to be setup

Step 1 : Download the phpsysinfo scripts from the project's homepage

Step 2 : Once done , extract the tar.gz file to a folder say phpsysinfo on the desktop

Step 3 : Then open the folder and rename the file to config.php

Step 4 : Now copy the folder phpsysinfo from the desktop to the web server's root folder ( typically /var/www )
Step 5 : Now open your web browser and type and you should see a page similar to this

NOTE : If you are trying to access from another machine via LAN then replace with the local LAN IP of the machine hosting the PHPSYSINFO scripts ( you can find out LAN IP by typing ifconfig command in the ubuntu terminal ) . If you want to access it over the internet from any other pc in the world , then you need to replace with your WAN/internet ip ( you can find the WAN IP by going to ) . NOTE : For accessing over the internet you need to open port 80 ( port forwarding guides are available at ) on your router .


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