Ubuntu 8.10 is scheduled to release today i.e. the 30th Of October 2008.Theres always a lot of excitement at the ubuntuforums and an experienced ubuntu user would know what i mean . Its always fun to stick to ubuntuforums whenever a new ubuntu is being released, the excitement and the eagerness is worth noticing.Ubuntu 8.10 has been awaited since quite a long time.
It promises a lot of new exciting features with a new look.I usually do check out beta versions of it through vmware, but havent able to do that this time.Please do not directly upgrade to the latest ubuntu, its just released there could be a lot of bugs and issues with it.Always better to check out the forums first.More on the OS to come soon.Till then you could surely test out the new ubuntu either on a spare machine or through vmware.You could download the new ubuntu from HERE .

PS : Havent posted since quite a while, have been pretty sick!!!


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