Here are two interesting facebook applications for ubuntu . One of which is not axactly an app but a plugin for an app.. These two apps would help you stay in touch with the latest notifications and help you chat in ubuntu . So here's more on that :


The first app , more off an add on is Facebook chat which is a plugin for pidgin . Almost everybody on ubuntu uses pidgin , so adding facebook chat to it would definetly be helpful.So here's how you do it :

Step 1 : Go to the Terminal(Applications->Accessories->Terminal ) and type sudo apt-get install pidgin-facebookchat .
Step 2 : This would install facebook chat.. now restart pidgin and create an account and you should see facebook there..


This app would get you all the facebook notifications on your desktop . Here's how you do it :

Step 1 : Go to the terminal(Applications->Accessories->Terminal ) and type sudo apt-get install python-webkitgtk python-simplejson
Step 2 : Now download the ZIP file from HERE and extract it to your home folder.. So say it is under /home/prash/facebook for example
Step 3 : Now open the terminal and type cd /home/prash/facebook and then type ./
Step 4 : NOw the facebook icon should pop up on the top right bar. CLICK ON IT and click on Login to Facebook , enter your login details

Step 5 : Thats it , now you should be done!!


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