Opera Unite is a unique feature in Opera's Web browser which i feel no other web browser has. OperaUnite has a lot of features including file sharing,web server,photo sharing , the lounge etc . These services can be enabled in opera and can be setup very easily. So here's more on OperaUnite :
OperaUnite makes it very easy to share files,photos, stream music etc . It is much more easier to configure than installing apache web server and setting it up . All you need to do is install specific version of opera which supports these features as well as provides the usual web browsing . THen you need to create an OperaUnite account and you will be provided with a web URL to access your OperaUnite page from anywhere in the world . These services can also be made password protected ensuring security .These services can be stopped at any point of time . Closing the opera browser would stop all services. So here's how you install and configure it :
Step 1 : Go to THIS LINK and click on Download Opera.
Step 2 : Then choose Opera For Windows
Step 3 : Now install opera. Screenshots below should help.
Step 4 : Now Launch opera and visit THIS LINK in opera to view all the available services
Step 5 : Now we need to Enable Opera Unite . For this go to Tools->Opera Unite Server->Enable Opera Unite
Step 6 : Then follow the wizard and create an opera unite account which will then give you a unique URL which has direct access to your machine
Step 7 : You should now see the opera unite bar on the left hand side . NOw you have a list of services which you can enable . I will enable File SHaring for this tutorial , the procedure for enabling other services are similar
Step 8 : Right click on file sharing and click on Start Service
Step 9 : You will now have to choose which folder you would like to share.Under Advanced settings you could even setup a password for it .
Step 10 : Thats it , the file sharing service has now been enabled , similarly you could enable other services like photo sharing, the lounge, media streaming etc.
The following screenshots would show you how you can access your opera unite from anywhere in the world . All you need to do is enter your opera unite UNIQUE URL which will be of the form http://xxx.yyy.operaunite.com where xxx is your pc name and yyy is the account name .
I think this is a fantastic service introduced by opera and a very unique one . It makes it very simple for computer beginners to setup file and media sharing . If you are a new computer user and you have always wanted to share and access your files from anywhere in the world then operaunite is a pretty good choice!!
Opera Unite really is innovative. I have it installed on a few computers on my home network. Strange - it works fine on my 64 bit Ubuntu install but continually freezes in my 32 bit Ubuntu install. So much that it is unusable. I have not had the time to trouble shoot the problem. I really like the new functions though and if I can get it working it will replace Firefox as my main browser. Kudos to the Opera team for continually bringing new innovative ideas to the browser.
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