A lot of times whenever we start phone hunting we do a lot of searches online to find the phone which suits our needs , most of the services aren’t reliable as they either provide false information or outdated information.
GSMARENA is a fabulous service which has a great database of phones which are released in almost all countries in the world. They have their own phone finding tool which is simply great because of how customizable it is . With their phone finder tool you have a huge form to fill , even though it is a bit huge it is very efficient in its search results . At the end of the search you will find phones which suits your needs and which come under your budget .
Gsmarena provides a detail listing of the phones with pictures included and user comments and ratings as well. You also have the option of comparing multiple phones . Although it doesn’t do too well in telling you the exact price of the phone as it varies geographically and this is meant to be an international website for all users around the world.
So as a start this tool is great to find phones which suit your needs and filter them from there and then proceed to your local store to get further details about the phones you filtered down . Its not a great idea to go directly to your local store in search of a phone as the people there don’t really guide you too well and wouldn’t recommend the phone that best suits your need . They might even forget to mention a few phones which if you knew off you would probably go for . So doing a online phone search using a tool like this is always recommended before you go visit a store.. You can find the phone finder tool here
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