If you are a kind of person who hates jumping from one version of ubuntu to another every year then this post is for you. Typically versions of ubuntu which are not LTS have only around 18 months of support.So what if you have a nice and stable version of ubuntu runnning with all your scripts and applications and everything customized just the way you want . Everything is working smoothly and you have no intention of upgrading to the latest version . But unfortunately ubuntu says im sorry your version is no longer supported.
What does this mean? Well you dont get the latest security updates , the repository for your ubuntu version from where you download all your software by running the sudo apt-get install command will no longer work. SO then you need to manually look for these packages on the internet and install them yourself. Now if you find this irritating, there is a solution . I would have been really happy if ubuntu automatically applied this solution so users will have no trouble. But anyway here is the fix.
All the repositories of no longer supported versions of ubuntu are moved to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ and all you need to do is tell your machine to point to that domain name to get all the software . So here's what you need to do :
Step 1 : Go to the Terminal(Applications->Accessories->Terminal)
Step 2 : Type sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list
Step 3 : Now replace all instances of archive.ubuntu.com with old-releases.ubuntu.com
Step 4 : Save the file and close the editor
Step 5 : now type sudo apt-get update

Thats it , your done , the next time you try installing any application , it will be installed automatically.


Anonymous said... @ February 27, 2011 at 9:26 PM

thank you very much, I am tired of vista freezing and could not install anything on my 8.10 this will help me now

Anonymous said... @ June 12, 2011 at 2:09 PM

Thank you. Nice post, but how can somebody have the latest security updates of his old ubuntu release, ( up to the point of its discontinuation ) ?

Anonymous said... @ December 4, 2011 at 10:48 AM

Thanks a lot dude, it helped a lot - Karthick

Anonymous said... @ December 10, 2011 at 4:32 PM

I tried to change the lines but it didn't work could you post a scrip with all the changes.

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