I recently came across a very neat and useful pidgin plugin called pidgin guifications . When i shifted from yahoo messenger to pidgin the one thing i missed is the popup windows which used to come up in the right bottom of the screen alerting you whenever somebody comes online or goes offline or even when you get an instant message . Pidgin guifications brings all this back to pidgin and i think its a really nice plugin to have. So here's how you install it :
Step 1 : Go to the Terminal(Applications->Accessories->Terminal) and type sudo apt-get install pidgin-guifications . This will install pidgin guifications
Step 2 : Once you've installed it , restart pidgin .
Step 3 : Then in the pidgin window go to Tools->Plugins
Step 4 : Now , look for the Pidgin Guifications plugin and click on the check mark next to it
Step 5 : Now click on the Configure PLugin button at the bottom
Step 6 : You should see a window like this . Here is where you make all the configurations if required. The default configuration works great.
Step 7 : This plugin gives the following notifications , you can choose which you want and which you dont!!
Step 8 : Once done close the window and the plugin window and you should be done!!
Here are a few screenshots of Pidgin Guifications in action :
use libnotify it's a lot better for ubuntu
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