I recently came across foresight linux from a friend of mine and as i was reading more about it , i was really interested in trying it out only because it had this one feature which i think is just fantastic and really helpful . So here's more on foresight linux :
As i mentioned above , i had found one feature in foresight linux which made me get very interested in this distro. Foresight Linux has rolling releases which means that newer versions of software can be added as soon as they are released. You get new features in your applications as soon as they have been tested and found to be stable. This means that no more updating or upgrading your Operating System every 6 months like in ubuntu , foresight would automatically update all the small changes it has made once in a few days hence no need of a major upgrade once in 6 months . Now this i find very interesting as it can get a little frustrating to install a new version of say ubuntu every 6 months as it requires you to backup etc and sometimes it does get very tempting to try out the latest version of ubuntu as it probably his this one feature which you really want!!.
So this is one advantage of foresight linux which really impressed me!!So here's a look at foresight linux as an OS :
Foresight linux has a pretty much similar look and feel compared to ubuntu as they both run on GNOME . There are a differences here and there though . Compatibility wise, foresight linux detected all of my hardware without any problems whatsoever , that was something i really didnt expect from foresight linux!!Here's a screenshot on how foresight linux looks once booted up.
Foresight linux includes applications like System Monitor , Disk management , Disk usage analyzer under Applications->System Tools now this is something not found in ubuntu and i think it is very much required especially for new users of ubuntu who have no idea that typing gnome-system-monitor opens the system monitor which is like a task managar in windows . SO having that as a menu item i feel is a pretty good idea
Nautilus and Samba ran really smoothly in foresight linux with NO ERRORS whatsoever like unable to mount loation , failed to receive share list from server etc . That way it ran really smoothly in foresight linux something which ubuntu failed in .
Foresight linux includes both the old and new network manager . I dont see why both of them is necessary , it could create confusion!!
It has a really nice update manager which looks pretty organized . The update manager i guess is one of the most important things in this OS
It also has some new things like File Management, Menu Editor , Default CompizConfig Settings Manager
It also had something called as Awn Manager which helped you change the look and behavious of the dock . This makes foresight linux very customizable!!
The above were just a few details of foresight linux , there is a lot more to it . If your a ubuntu user you will find foresight linux very simple to use as most of the stuff is the same . Also foresight linux has this key feature i told you about earlier called Rolling Releases which is something to look out for when trying the OS . The only thing that i'm concerned is the Compatiblity with hardware . Foresight linux did recognize all my hardware but i still have my doubts as to how well it can recognize other hardware to make it work out of the box as ubuntu is still struggling with that inspite of having such a large community and a huge team of developers behind it!!So on the whole , foresight linux is a fantastic distro , it has a lot of potential as its not just another distro , it has a key feature which every linux user would want as upgrading your OS every 6 months is a major headache!!
Because of the rolling releases, it might be easier to stay up with the hardware situation. Also, if they are shooting for staying compatible with newer hardware and not totally backwards compatible with older stuff, they will be on much more solid ground.
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