I recently came across an article in BBC News which included a video on wireless electricity . This video demonstrated how exactly this technology works and its advantages and disadvantages . Here's more on that :

When i started watching that video , a lot of applications of this technology came to my mind . This is a very significant invention and can do wonders in the future . Almost every device, every gadget requires power today , infact the power consumption keeps increasing day by day and recharging the batteries of these devices is a major headache , sometimes you forget to do so and you end up taking a phone on very low battery to work . Even cables for your computer,television can be eliminated . You can place them wherever you like . Right from cell phones , to ipods, to televisions and even electric cars could be charged wirelessly saving a lot of time and effort . Cars could be automatically charged wirelessly when they are parked at work . Laptops too could be as good as desktops with no worry as to when the charge in your laptop battery would go out . These wireless electricity hotspots can be placed at cafe shops, houses,work places , trains , aircrafts etc so devices like laptops,mobile phones can be charged automatically as these are places where you would spend quite a lot of time making it enough for your device to get charged automatically through wireless electricity.

But there are a few disadvantages of this technology , just like we have internet hot spots , you will find these wireless electricity hot spots . But these may not be present everywhere just like internet hot spots are not everywhere so that could be a bit of a problem.
Regarding the costs and availability . It is not yet confirmed , but the cost could be around 15-20% more than the device.This is just an approximate value.In terms of availability , these devices which are usually clamped on our regular devices like cellphones , laptops etc could be available in the market in 2 years time .

Here is the video posted originally at BBC NEWS

CLICK HERE to know more on wireless electricity . I'm really looking forward to this technology reaching our homes soon!!


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