This is a small guide on how to actually get started with torrents.Im sure you would already be knowing about torrents and stuff.Its basically peer to peer (p2p) sharing where you share files with people over the internet.It is very helpful in sharing data and can also produce really quick downloads.To use torrents you require a torrent client.Utorrent is my favourite.It has a very simple and easy to use interface.Very easy to install to..So here's the basic idea

Step 1:Download Utorrent from
Step 2:Install utorrent , i guess its pretty straight forward.Click Next,Next blah blah...
Step 3:The only and most important part of configuring utorrent is opening your ports.Utorrent requires you to have 1 port open for its file transfers.You can use any number you want, although make sure you DONT USE some standard port number which are listed HERE
Step 4:Once you have decided on the port number say 7720 . You first need to open your port in your router
Step 5:For this please go HERE and select your modem/router and follow the guide to open a port.You may use the default guide mentioned for each router..You obviously need to open the port you selected like 7720 .Incase your modem/router does not have the VIRTUAL SERVER option.You might need to use the NAT-DMZ method as shown HERE
NOTE:This should be followed only if you are using PPOE mode in your router.If you are using bridged mode(wherein you use a dialer to connect) then you may ignore this step
Step 6:Now you also require to open the same port in your firewall.HERE'S how you do it for windows firewall.
Step 7:Incase you have any other firewall ensure you have opened your port there successfully.
Step 8:Now the port opening procedure is over.To ensure that you have opened your port successfully.TRY THIS online port scanner . Enter the port number in the field provided(like 7720 for example).. and you should get a green signal saying "Your computer is responding on this port"
Step 9:Now enter the same port number which you have chosen(like 7720).. In the utorrent preferences.Open utorrent. and go to Options->Preferences.
Step 10:A new window would pop up.Then under Connection , enter your port number(like 7720) in the "Listening port" field as shown in the screenshot.

Step 11:Thats about it.Utorrent has been configured successfully.You now should be getting good speeds in your torrents.


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